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2006年12月 2日
NETGEAR GS724Tv2(GS724TA) v1.0.3_30 >>Router/Lx/L3/L2
GS724Tv2 firmware version 1.0.3_ 30 release notes
1. Rearranged the DSCP setting page to make it more user-friendly.
2. The SNMP host entries allow duplicate IP address but different community string.
3. Add check to prevent incompatible configuration restoration.
4. Support new private MIB groups (ssQoSGroup, ssStormCtrlGroup, and ssTrustMACGroup)
5. Not forwarding LACP or 802.1x packets to other ports.
Bugs fixed:
1. SNMP GET-NEXT on any OID between BRIDGE-MIB and Netgear’s private MIB does not return the correct value.
2. Fastlink is not disabled a port that received BPDU packet.
3. The GUI page for 802.1Q VLAN cannot be displayed when changing VLAN type from port-based to 802.1Q based.
4. Spanning Tree (STP) may be in the wrong state after setting “switch priority” or “port path cost” when STP is disabled.
5. Trunk port status maybe in the wrong STP state if both STP and Trunk features are enabled during boot up.
6. Reply packet is sent to wrong port if it comes from a trunked port.
7. ARP packets are not properly tagged according to the VLAN.
8. Traffic on the trunk ports is not balanced.
9. It does not work with Safari browser.
10. Restoring configuration file fails with Netscape browser.
11. IP Gateway doesn’t work.
12. QoS is not working properly when packet size is greater than 512 bytes.